Monday, February 28, 2022

Sprint #4 Delivery, Asset/Feature Complete

 This sprint, I worked alongside the other animators and tech artists to compile, bugfix, and fill out the animation blueprint and state machine. I also helped pose a few more still frame poses to fill out the state machine animation changes that we will have in the final game.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sprint #3 Sound and VFX

This sprint I found and edited sounds that will be utilized and played when the player interacts with Pascal. I also assisted in creating the state machine that has the sounds attached to the animations and helped diagram out the larger state machine we will need once the boat starts moving after the introduction sequence.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Delivery 2 Beginning, Middle, and End

 This week I created poses of Pascal that will be examples of what our final model and rig will show during our VR experience. I also made an animation that displays how when the player interacts with Pascal, he will jump from the dock to the side of the boat, and then land on the cushion in front of the player. Our project now has the elements of the beginning, middle, and end. The beginning is the dock area with Pascal waving, the middle is the player being instructed by Pascal to row towards the center of the lake, and the end is the player and Pascal observing the lantern festival until the scene fades to black.